Horrorfest at Unusual Fiction – Welcoming William Todd

There’s a chill in the air. Leaves crunch underfoot in the garden and the dark is thick with the rustling of small things. No tarrying tonight, for the veil draws thin. Let us close the door against the wind and settle in by the hearth. It’s the perfect night for a ghost story, so, pullContinueContinue reading “Horrorfest at Unusual Fiction – Welcoming William Todd”

Happy Hallowe’en – Pumpkins and Dark Fiction

  It’s finally arrived. You can’t get through a doorway in our house without being brushed by a large felt spider leg or getting skull tinsel in your hair. The skull (cement, not real, I’m ghoulish but not that ghoulish) has been smiling from pride of place on the mantel beneath the black leaf garlandsContinueContinue reading “Happy Hallowe’en – Pumpkins and Dark Fiction”